Lederplast and BioCote ®: a winning partnership for products where hygiene is important.

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The problems associated with microbes or bacteria in areas, such as: hospitals, retail stores, public spaces, homes, schools and laboratories is well understood. Surfaces within these environments can become contaminated with bacteria such as MRSA, E. coli and Klebsiella - without control these organisms can continue to multiply, which mean surfaces can harbor dangerous levels of potentially harmful bacteria which are a risk to health and may cause material degredation such as staining and discolouration.

Lederplast, a leading manufacturer of synthetic leathers used in environments such as Hospitals and Health Care, has integrated BioCote ® antimicrobial technology, to further enhance the performance of our protected products Happy AE with BioCote® e Vega-AE with BioCote® by introducing lasting protection from damaging or harmful microbes.


BioCote silver ion technology gives - products built in antimicrobial protection for the expected lifetime of the product reducing levels of bacteria and mould on the surface by up to 99.99% Biocote® a leader within this market t provides a scientifically proven antimicrobial technology. Environmental or real life trials have demonstrated that BioCote ® has reduced overall levels of bacterial contamination on the surfaces by up to 95% in real health care settings.

Lederplast has created products harnessing the power of BioCote ® suitable for use not just in healthcare settings but any environment that demands high performance, high quality products A company like Lederplast innovates and differentiates its products in order to remain always ahead of the competition and to meet the needs of its customers and the environment in which they operate.

Do not hesitate to contact us to learn more about this technology and discover all the products custom Lederplast can offer to its customers.